Enemyexposed’s Blog

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Concerned Person Letter -May 5, 2009

Are you or a loved one ready for change? Are you prepared to make some serious behavior choices in your life, behavior choices that will prepare you for battle? Are you ready to start going a different direction than the direction your life has been heading? Today you can begin again.

Most Christians are not prepared for a spiritual onslaught, yet all Christians are in a spiritual war. They seem to know that but do not seem to ever prepare for battle. You are a soldier that is under attack. You are in a battle whether you like it or not. The enemy has you targeted. He is out to sift you like wheat, to totally destroy you, to take you down. He creates disease, sickness, mental disorders, accidents, destroys your dreams and ambitions – whatever he can throw at you. He attacks you personally (your borders) and by attacking other people that affect you (territories). One might think the church of Jesus Christ being fully aware that it is under attack would be counter attacking to destroy the works of the enemy. Instead they pray that God will do something and help us and free us and give us some relief. It seems they do not grasp that THEY have been given the authority and power to destroy the works of the enemy. It is like God is saying every time we cry out: “YOU got the key!”

Most support or recovery groups focus on the problem – ie: what the demons are doing inside you! I mean they discuss the personality traits and the defenses people in bondage use. Perhaps they figure if we can figure out the demons personality traits we can fix it – wait a minute, that’s not right, they do not even know that they are studying the enemy – they think they are studying you! What a powerless mess the church has accepted.

Begin to change your thinking from focusing on your problem (what the demons are doing) to begin thinking how a “special elite forces” Christian would think. Begin to change your thinking from: “How can I muster up enough strength to keep on struggling with this” to “how can I capture, and remove the enemy and take back my life and everything he has stolen from me in the process”.

Welcome to the Christian life. The Bible tells us that in this life you will have troubles. You need to be equipped for a real battle. We are talking about battle preparedness. We want you to start using military terms. Think offensively. The armor of God contains no defensive weapons! We are NOT talking about people as our enemies. We are talking about spiritual wickedness. Ask the Lord to give you a warriors mind. Does that sound weird to you? If so you are not alone. The church has lost its destructive power. Yes, destructive power to destroy the power of darkness. In the meanwhile its members suffer with all the sickness, mental problems and bondage the world does.

Where is the “victory in Jesus”? You can discover it.:

  1.  Enlistment – make sure you have actually enlisted in God’s army. This way we are protected by and backed up by all of His resources for battle. In the days ahead though these emails we will also examine our heart and attitudes to make sure we have what our “General” the Lord Jesus Christ is looking for in an enlisted soldier in God’s army.
  2. Building Weapons – before we attack we want to make sure we have mighty and powerful spiritual weapons to use and know how to use them. What good is showing up for a battle with no weapons?
  3. Mental and Emotional fitness – The mind is the battle – ground. Memorizing scripture does NOT remove the enemy, but you will learn how to use scripture as an effective sword to use against the enemy. Just memorizing scripture is “a form of godliness” but using scripture as a weapon is the power of God in action! The mind and our emotions is what the enemy uses to bring defeat into our lives. How can we fight spiritual forces when we are emotionally drained and damaged?
  4. Removal of the Enemy – This is the pre-attack stage! We will look at our plan of attack and make sure things are battle ready. We will ask: “Is there any thing the enemy can use against us as a weapon,” “Are our weapons in operation,” “Do we trust our allies,” “Do we have proper back-up,” and “Do we understand our military rank, power available to us and our authority to act”.
  5. Protecting Your Borders – This is protection from a spiritual counter attack. Counter intelligent information that you can use to expose the enemy and his tactics of operation. This is your personal “Department of Homeland Security”. You will build and develop a “spiritual firewall” around you.

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May 14, 2009 Posted by | Uncategorized | , , | Leave a comment