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Individual and Private Choice

I am sure you have heard it said: “What people do in the privacy of their own home as long as it doesn’t hurt anyone doesn’t matter”. But we see how INDIVIDUAL and PRIVATE CHOICE have gotten us in the mess we are in. What we do as INDIVIDUALS does indeed affect the entire nation. 

Back in the late 80’s I made the following predictions (not prophecy, just common sense predictions).

  1. When baby boomers begin to approach retirement age and begin to pull money out of the stock market, the stock market will not see growth, but stagnation. I predicted this would begin in 2007. (Here we see private choice affects the entire financial market)
  2.  I also predicted that as the boomers seek retirement that they will want to “down size” the size of their homes. (Right now, most communities have minimum size requirements in order to keep property values up) The result I predicted would be sellers and no buyers, as a result property values would go down anyway. Here we see private choice about even the size of our homes we buy affects everyone.
  3. I predicted that Social security and health care would see major financial problems because of two things: A) ageing populations and B) abortion. Both S.S. and health care rely on younger people. It is a fact that health care cost for young people are less than for those over 50. Here we see how a private individual decisions, like an abortion has affected every American.

We have also seen how INDIVIDUAL PRIVATE spending habits (aka: Covetousness) has affected the entire nations credit industry.


Abortion has killed 50 million Americans at about 1.5 million a year. There would be about 40 million YOUNG people PAYING into the Social Security and health care system if they were alive. Taking a LOW END income of just $20,000 a year and a Social Security rate of 7.5% plus the deceptive hidden FICA tax  = 15% or $3,000 a year times 40 million. That equals $1,200,000,000,000 every year added to the *Social Security system if we had not had individual and private choices to have an abortion! (*Includes other programs besides retirement benefits)


If these young healthy 40 million Americans had low cost health care, real low cost, say $150 a month? – That would be  $600,000,000 EVERY MONTH added to the health care system.

If there had not of been 50 million private individual choices for abortion, we would NOT have a heath care or S.S. problem.


Instead of putting a band-aid on the health care mess we need to get to the root of this financial problem: life imprisonment for any “doctor” who kills, for the sake of our nations future.


It is interesting to note in the Bile that if a nation did not “tithe” that God required 20 %. Up to NOW our national debt has been…you guessed it at 20% of our budget!

Also 20% of homeowners are behind on their house payments.

Add 18 million illegal aliens to these numbers and we have compounded the problems our private and individual choice has had on this nation.

September 15, 2009 Posted by | Political | Leave a comment