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The Word Of God As A Mighty Weapon

bible1One way to change the atmosphere around you is to use a weapon that is sharper, quicker, and more powerful than any weapon the enemy can use against you. The Word of God is that weapon. Romans six has many PROMISES that we as believers can declare over our life.

Life Battle Plan participants are asked to find a promise in EACH verse of Romans chapter 6 and to begin declaring them over their life.
Let us take a look at Romans 6 and see if you agree. Do your own study and make declarations over your own life!
Verse 1: Grace abounds in my life!
Verse 2: I am dead to sin!
Verse 3: I am baptized into Jesus Christ!
Verse 4: I have newness of life!
Verse 5: I am with Christ in the likeness of His resurrection!
Verse 6: I having been given freedom from serving sin!
Verse 7: I am dead to sin!
Verse 8: I live with Christ!
Verse 9: Death has no dominion over me!
Verse 10: I live unto God!
Verse 11: I am indeed alive unto God!
Verse 12: Sin has not right to reign over my body!
Verse 13: I am a member of righteousness!

Thats a start, for further study do the remaining 10 verses on your own.
This is a powerful chapter filled with promises and a “Christian’s Bill Of Rights”. We do not have to remain under the bondage of the enemies snare of sin. We have a right to be free!

January 25, 2009 Posted by | Past Letters | , , , , | Leave a comment